How to Align Two Buttons and Other Related Questions

Como alinhar dois botões?
A forma mais facil é com uma div, e aplicar a regra do text-align: center na div. Fazendo dessa forma os botões vão se alocando e as quebras de linhas vão ocorrendo de acordo com o tamanho da tela.
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Aligning two buttons on a webpage can seem like a simple task, but it can quickly become frustrating if you don’t know how to do it properly. Here are a few tips to help you align two buttons:

1. Use the correct HTML markup: The most common way to create buttons is by using the


2. Apply CSS styles: Once you have the correct HTML markup, you can apply CSS styles to align the buttons as desired. You can use the float property to position the buttons next to each other. For example:


button {

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;



This will float the buttons to the left and give them a margin-right of 10 pixels, which will create some space between them.

3. Use Flexbox: Another way to align two buttons is by using Flexbox. Flexbox is a CSS layout module that makes it easy to align items in a container. Here’s an example of how to use Flexbox:



This will create a Flexbox container and align the buttons side by side.

Now that you know how to align two buttons, let’s move on to other related questions.

How to Give a Submit?

To give a submit, you need to create a form element and add a submit button to it. Aqui está um exemplo:



When the user clicks the Submit button, the form will be submitted to the server.

How to Use Submit JavaScript?

To use JavaScript to submit a form, you can add an event listener to the form’s submit event. Here’s an example:


document.getElementById(“meuFormulário”).addEventListener(“submit”, function(event) {

// Impedir que o formulário seja submetido


// Seu código aqui



Isso impedirá que o formulário seja enviado e permitirá que você execute seu próprio código JavaScript.

Você também pode perguntar Como colocar uma imagem dentro de um input?

Colocar uma imagem dentro de um input não é recomendado porque pode tornar o input difícil de ler e interagir. No entanto, se ainda quiser fazer isso, pode usar a propriedade CSS background-image. Here’s an example:



Isto irá definir a imagem de fundo do input para image.jpg.

Relacionado a isso, Como colocar uma imagem dentro de um espaço reservado?

To place an image inside a placeholder, you can use the CSS ::placeholder pseudo-element and the background-image property. Here’s an example:


input::placeholder {

color: transparent;



This will set the background image of the placeholder to image.jpg and hide the placeholder text.

Also, How to Turn an Image into a CSS Button?

To turn an image into a CSS button, you can use the



This will create a button with the background image of image.jpg and a width of 100 pixels and a height of 50 pixels.

In conclusion, aligning two buttons requires the correct HTML markup and CSS styles. Giving a submit and using submit JavaScript involves creating a form element and adding a submit button to it. Placing an image inside an input or a placeholder can be done using the CSS background-image property. Turning an image into a CSS button involves using the

How to change the color of a button in CSS?

To change the color of a button in CSS, you can use the “background-color” property and set it to the color of your choice. For example, if you want to change the color of a button to red, you can use the following CSS code:


button {

background-color: red;



You can replace “red” with any color name or hex code to achieve the desired color. Additionally, you can use other CSS properties such as “color” and “border” to further customize the button’s appearance.