Creating Hyperlinks in HTML: A Complete Guide

Hyperlinks, also known as links, are an essential part of web development. They allow users to navigate between different pages and resources on the internet with ease. In HTML, creating a hyperlink is a simple process that involves using the anchor tag and specifying the URL of the page or resource you want to link to. Let’s take a closer look at how to create a hyperlink in HTML.

Creating a Hyperlink in HTML

To create a hyperlink in HTML, you need to use the anchor tag . The basic syntax for creating a hyperlink in HTML is as follows:

In this syntax, the href attribute specifies the URL of the page or resource you want to link to, and the link text is the text that will be displayed on the page as the hyperlink.

For example, if you want to create a hyperlink to the Google homepage, you would use the following code:

Ir para o Google

Quando o utilizador clicar na ligação “Ir para o Google”, o seu browser navegará para a página inicial do Google.

Guardar uma imagem em HTML

Para apresentar uma imagem numa página Web, é necessário guardar a imagem num formato que possa ser apresentado num browser, como JPEG, PNG ou GIF. Para guardar uma imagem em HTML, pode utilizar um editor de imagens como o Photoshop ou o GIMP para criar a imagem e guardá-la num destes formatos.

Conhecer o URL de uma imagem Para conhecer o URL de uma imagem, pode clicar com o botão direito do rato na imagem e seleccionar “Copiar endereço da imagem” ou “Copiar URL da imagem” no menu de contexto. Isto copia o URL da imagem para a área de transferência, que pode depois utilizar para criar uma hiperligação de imagem.

Para obter uma hiperligação de uma imagem no telemóvel, pode premir e manter premido o dedo sobre a imagem até aparecer um menu de contexto. A partir deste menu, pode seleccionar “Copiar endereço da ligação” ou “Copiar URL da ligação” para copiar o URL da imagem.

Linking an Image on Mobile

To link an image on mobile, you can use the same syntax as for creating a hyperlink in HTML. Instead of using text for the link, you can use an image by specifying the URL of the image in the tag inside the tag. For example:

This code will create an image hyperlink that, when clicked, will navigate to the website.

Creating a Photo Link in Google

To create a photo link in Google, you can use the Google Photos app to upload and share your photos. Once you have uploaded your photo to Google Photos, you can click on the “Share” button to generate a shareable link for the photo. You can then use this link to create a photo hyperlink in your HTML code.


Hyperlinks are an essential part of web development, and creating them in HTML is a simple process that involves using the anchor tag and specifying the URL of the page or resource you want to link to. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to create hyperlinks and image hyperlinks in your HTML code with ease.

How to create a table of contents in Canva?

To create a table of contents in Canva, you can use the “Table of Contents” template or create your own by selecting the “Text” tool and typing out your headings. Then, highlight each heading and select the “Heading” style from the text editor toolbar. Finally, create hyperlinks to each section by selecting the heading text and clicking on the “Link” button in the toolbar, and entering the URL or page number for the section.

How to make an external link?

To make an external link in HTML, you need to use the anchor tag with the href attribute. Here’s an example of the code:


Link Text


Replace “” with the URL of the external website you want to link to, and “Link Text” with the text you want to display as the hyperlink.

Also, how to create a link that directs to whatsapp?

To create a hyperlink that directs to WhatsApp, you can use the following HTML code:


Link text


Replace “whatsappphonenumber” with the phone number you want to link to (including the country code but without any spaces or special characters). You can also add a message to the link by adding “?text=yourmessage” to the end of the URL.