Adding a Link to a JPG Image: A Step-by-Step Guide

As websites and social media platforms continue to evolve, it is becoming increasingly important to make your content stand out. One way to achieve this is by adding a link to your images. This can be particularly useful for marketing purposes or if you want to provide your audience with more information about a particular image. In this article, we will answer some related questions and provide a step-by-step guide on how to put a link in a JPG image.

How to Save an Image with a Link

Before we begin, it is important to note that you cannot save an image with a link directly. You need to add the link to the image using an image editor or a tool that allows you to create clickable images. Once you have added the link, you can then save the image as a JPG or PNG file.

How to Create a Link to an Image

To create a link to an image, you need to use the HTML tag. This tag allows you to add a hyperlink to your image. Here’s an example of how to add a link to an image using HTML:




In this example, the tag contains the URL of the website you want to link to. The tag contains the image source and alt text. When someone clicks on the image, they will be directed to the website specified in the href attribute.

How to Put a Link in an Image in WhatsApp

Unfortunately, WhatsApp does not allow you to add links to images directly. However, you can add a link to the caption or message that accompanies the image. To do this, simply copy and paste the URL into the message box and send it along with the image.

How to Put a Link in an Image in Canva

Canva is a popular online design tool that allows you to create professional-looking graphics, including clickable images. To add a link to your image in Canva, follow these steps:

1. Select the image you want to add a link to.

2. Clique no botão “Link” localizado na barra de ferramentas superior.

3. Introduza o URL para o qual pretende ligar no campo “Link para”.

4. Clique em “Aplicar” para guardar o link.

Relacionado com isto, Como criar um URL de imagem gratuito

Para criar um URL de imagem gratuito, existem vários serviços online que pode utilizar, incluindo o Imgur, o Tinypic e o Flickr. Estes serviços permitem-lhe carregar as suas imagens e gerar um URL que pode utilizar para partilhar as suas imagens nas redes sociais ou incorporá-las no seu sítio Web.

Em conclusão, adicionar uma hiperligação a uma imagem JPG pode ser uma excelente forma de aumentar o envolvimento com o seu público e fornecer-lhe mais informações sobre o seu conteúdo. Com a ajuda de um editor de imagens ou de uma ferramenta como o Canva, adicionar um link às suas imagens é um processo simples e directo.